Rental of indoor studios

Normally we treat with outdoor photo and video productions on Mallorca. But as a plan B for bad weather or just in case you need some studio production, we also can offer you some great rental indoor photo studios. Please contact us for further details.

Equipment rental

Mallorca has established itself as a mature location for photo and film productions. We have a good rental infrastructure for all different kind of lightning, props, grip and other technical equipment for photo and film shootings. Please let us know what you need and we provide you the necessary equipment at good price. Just order local, travel light and avoid the hassle with extra airplane luggage fees! 

catering service mallorca

Travel Services

We have a strong background in event organization and business travel and have a full incoming agency license for travel arrangements (agency number: BAL-479).

We can organize you all travel services around your production: Accommodation in hotels and fincas, bus transfers, rental cars, vans, catering, airport pickup, VIP services etc.

Location scouting Mallorca

Mallorca has plenty of amazing locations for photo and film shootings. We are dealing with locations since the year 2000 for the event and media business. From stunning outdoor locations with beautiful beaches, steep mountains and authentic villages to modern office buildings and stunning beach clubs - Mallorca has a lot to offer.

We look specifically for the right indoor or outdoor locations for your photo shooting depending on your individual requirements. The location management also includes the budgeting of costs such as daily rents, road closures, staff, etc. and the organization of schedules, permits, clearances and infrastructure solutions. Please contact us for all different kind of examples for a perfect shooting venue.

photographer mallorca

Location Permits 

We provide location permits for photo and film shootings on Mallorca. Depending on the location, we have to contact with the different local authorities (e.g. coastal administration, ministry of environment, town halls and private property owners). 
Please have in mind, that the local administration system needs some time to process the permits, especially on shootings at the shore line/beaches. 

Depending on the department that you have to deal with, 4-8 weeks in advance of the shooting is a good time window to apply for the permit to get it on time.

model service mallorca

Model Service 

The Balearic Islands are a big melting pot of different nationalities and so is the broad selection of male and female photo models on the islands: Find blond, tall girls with a Nordic look, to Asian or typical Spanish looking models.

We work closely with model agencies for photo and film productions. We offer to do the pre-casting and present you to models for your requirements. 
Go local: By booking local models you save money on air fares and hotels and especially in COVID times you reduce the risk of travel issues by having your staff already on the island!